

Fireproof Guard of Insulation Hidden danger-Mineral Insulation Cable

Mineral insulated cables, consisting of high frequency cables and magnesium oxide and seamless copper tube protectors, have strong fireproof properties and are widely used in various fields with excellent performance. It is an essential fireproof cable for the mainline of modern construction engineering to ensure power transmission.

镇坪县| 长宁县| 雅江县| 鹿泉市| 大埔区| 修水县| 张家港市| 韶山市| 榆中县| 浦城县| 惠来县| 东阳市| 宜宾县| 佛山市| 土默特左旗| 萨迦县| 三明市| 峡江县| 襄樊市|